Synesthesia Tarot {Deck + Guidebook}
Modern minimalist design enthusiasts who love the occult will love this tarot deck and guidebook combo. Just want the deck? Synesthesia Tarot
The tarot deck: This modern Tarot deck is designed with a focus on clarity and minimalism. Silver foil accents, along with clear and simple line drawings, are the artistic theme of this unique deck.
The soft matte finish on the cards makes shuffling and holding this deck a special experience. Minor arcana cards feature gorgeous purple (swords), red (wands), dark green (cups) and green (pentacles) backgrounds. With this deck, you can have uncluttered introspection and take inspired action.
The guidebook features the following:
- In a reading, how to interpret each card
- Easy to understand descriptions for each card
- Upright and reversed keywords
- Elements associated with each card
- Spread examples