inquire within oracle deck by kristen drozdowski | worthwhile paper
inquire within oracle deck contents by worthwhile paper
inquire within oracle deck
inquire within oracle deck cards 1 to 13
inquire within oracle deck cards 14 to 26
inquire within oracle deck cards 27 to 39
inquire within oracle deck cards 40 to 53
inquire within oracle deck by kristen drozdowski | worthwhile paper
inquire within oracle deck contents by worthwhile paper
inquire within oracle deck
inquire within oracle deck cards 1 to 13
inquire within oracle deck cards 14 to 26
inquire within oracle deck cards 27 to 39
inquire within oracle deck cards 40 to 53

Inquire Within Oracle

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Elegant and minimalistic, this deck features fifty three cards of lively, supportive and intuitive messages. All the cards are packaged in a white and gold tuck box.

With this deck, you can have an easy-to-reach, reliable friend who will provide you with supportive and intuitive messages tailored specifically to your questions.

The creation of this gorgeous piece is aimed at inspiring inner wisdom, growth, and connection. Pairing this Oracle deck with a jar of affirmations is a great idea!

Each card is a meaningful phrase, reminder, word or prompt to help bring guidance and comfort to everyday life. Self healing requires a willingness to explore deeply, to ask yourself questions – to inquire within. Connecting with your true self allows you to be of better service to others and the Earth. We must treat ourselves with kindness and know ourselves deeply to move through this life with clarity, peace and understanding. This deck is just one tool to help you move intentionally along your lifelong journey.

Inquire Within was created in a soft, slow & carefully meaningful manner, and my hope is that that the words and images inside serve as gentle reminders of the magic you already have in you.

I decided to make Inquire Within a slow project because it began as a slow practice, and the process has been something for myself. It would have been unfeasible as something done quickly – and would have totally thrown me off balance if I stopped everything I was doing to work on only one big thing for a whole month. Also, a project like this is best to be created with thought, care and consideration over time.




Within you is the answer


Often, the answer lies within. To connect with your inner wisdom takes a lot of effort, focus, and energy. However, it is totally worth it. Here's how you'll find out...